Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hunting The Light...

Il 12-14 dicembre
On board the ms Trollfjord

The hope of seeing the Aurora Borealis was the catalyst for this journey to the Arctic region. For years the Northern Lights have been on my “bucket list” and so it was with great excitement that I boarded the ship for a sail up the western coast of Norway. Along the way we would be stopping at quite a number of towns, several of which for enough time to get off the boat and explore. This particular ship is a working coastal vessel and what that means is that it serves, not only to transport guests like me, but as a local ferry for people living on the coast and also to deliver and pick up cargo. Quite a number of our stops occurred during the night hours, but, as I was often awake, it was easy to see the crates being loaded on and, in the morning, come upon new passengers who were simply going from one town to another. That first night on board, before we set sail, there was a sumptuous XMAS buffet, not only for the guests, but for people living in Bergen who were hosting their annual holiday parties. The dessert buffet was a gourmand's delight, although I started my meal with quite a bit of caviar and wine before I got to the sweets.

Early on we sailed through a patch of turbulent sea, resulting in one rough night and a stormy late morning (this is what Dramamine is for) so much so that my nightstand fell over and there were a few items flying about the cabin.  Once these conditions abated, it was smooth sailing and a relaxing day at sea. Our first stop was in Alesund with a population of 45,000 and known for its art deco architecture. It was a short evening visit and our walk revealed a sophisticated downtown and beautiful buildings.

And yes...a friendly troll to welcome us.

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